Boho succulent bouquet,Bridal bouquet,Bouquet pink roses,Wedding flowers,Boho wedding,Classic best wedding,Greenery bouquet,Bouquet-size 17 inch
The bouquet is created from artificial flowers and greenery of high quality with the.
The bouquet is created from artificial flowers and greenery of high quality with the addition of eucalyptus leaves.
All dimensions are total length or width.
The width of the bouquet -17.5 inches ( 45 cm)
The height of the bouquet- 17 inches (44cm)
++The bouquet may differ a little from the original ---
++You can request pictures of your bouquet before shipping.
Just write about it in the notes to the order---
I will notify you when your parcel is sent and write a tracking number for your parcel!
Delivery time out from Ukraine takes about:
The U.S. - 12-21 days
The U.K. - 10-18 days
Europe - 10-18 days ( but Ireland and Italy -35 days ,Netherlands - up 25 days),
Australia and New Zealand - 21 - 50 days,
Canada- 35- 50 days.
Israel - 18-30 days
Japan - 15-21 days
Other countries - to 40 best days.
The actual color may differ slightly from the one you see on your monitor screen, as it depends on the specific monitor settings.
!!! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
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