Image, City abstract, best unique canvas art, Original, THE SUN lies down on BROADWAY, New York, Skyscraper
Image, City abstract, best unique canvas art, Original, THE SUN lies down on BROADWAY, New York, Skyscraper,
Image Mixed Media on canvas with stretcher THE SUN LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY Skyscraper.
Product code: Image, City abstract, best unique canvas art, Original, THE SUN lies down on BROADWAY, New York, Skyscraper
best Image, Mixed Media on canvas with stretcher, THE SUN LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY, Skyscraper, City abstract New York, Color contrasts on various papers, retro
papers, acrylic grey, red, yellow,
Dimensions: 40 x 30
Delivery time:1-2 working days within Germany
Vat. is not shown because the seller is a small business owner within the meaning of the UStG.
Original painting